Material-efficient Cu wire-based 3D printing technology

Area Acceleration (D2) Segment Upscaling (D2.2) Duration 2019/01/01-2021/12/31

EIT RawMaterials Expert Forum 14 grudnia 2022

EIT RawMaterials Expert Forum

Date: 27-29th June 2022

Place: Berlin

The Expert Forum is the leading raw materials innovation and education exchange in Europe. It connects stakeholders and actors from various parts of different raw materials value chains.

At this time technical experts from industry and educational institutions discussed technological advancements and business opportunities. They talked about the needs of the industry when it comes to innovation and education to explore industry needs in terms of innovation and education. This event also helped to identify partner interests and supported matchmaking and consortia formation for future projects.


Project Partners

Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals

  • Development of the Cu-based alloys
  • Development of production technology of feedstock materials for WAAM
  • Wire arc additive manufacturing at laboratory scale
  • Materials investigations

Ghent University

  • Corrosion-fatigue investigations
  • Tests of the prototypes in seawater environment
  • Educational activities

Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

  • Material investigations
  • Mechanical proporties

Gefertec GmbH

  • Development of the production process parameters by means of 3DMP technology
  • Implementation of the results of the project (end user)
  • Manufacturing of the new products

Tecnalia Research and Innovation

  • Erosion tests
  • Non-destructive tests

Supported by