Material-efficient Cu wire-based 3D printing technology
Area Acceleration (D2) Segment Upscaling (D2.2) Duration 2019/01/01-2021/12/31
FUNDACION TECNALIA RESEARCH & INNOVATION (TECNALIA) is a private, nonprofit and independent research organization resulting from the merger of eight research organisations: Fundación Cidemco, Fundación European Software Institute, Fundación European Virtual Engineering, Fundación Fatronik, Fundación Inasmet, Fundación Labein, Fundación Leia and Fundación Robotiker. TECNALIA is the leading private and independent research and technology entity in Spain and the fifth largest in Europe. TECNALIA employs 1,437 people (164 PhDs) and its turnover is 121Me, it filed 53 patents, had 3800 clients and created 8 spinoffs in 2009. TECNALIA is very active in the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) having already gained 150 projects, and coordinating 31 of them. Innovation Systems, Sustainable Development (Energy, Construction and Environment), Industry and Transport (Casting and iron & steel, Transport and Industrial Systems), ICT (Software, Telecom, Infotech and Information Society) and Health and Life Quality (Health and Life Quality) are the fields in which TECNALIA operates. The focus of TECNALIA activities is the applied research on innovative technologies, in order to use the knowledge and research results in the companies and in the society to contribute to their growth. TECNALIA has an extensive experience of participation in EC Framework Programmes, and Eureka international projects, in particular, in ITEA, MEDEA and CELTIC clusters.
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Contact Person:
Patricia Caballero